100th Annual Conference, 2019

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Dear members of RUEBU churches, coworkers and Christian friends!

With gladness in our hearts and thanksgiving to God, we invite you to join us for the two exciting celebrations of the 100th Anniversary of the ministry of the Russian-Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Union, USA
Date: Saturday, April 27, 2019
Time: 12 noon. Following a break, the celebration will continue at 3 p.m. and conclude with a dinner for all attendees.
Place: Philadelphia, PA – the birthplace of RUEBU in 1919.
The Centennial celebration will take place in the Somerton United Methodist Church located at 13073 Bustleton Avenue in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Date: June 28-30, 2019. Our Centennial Conference will begin on Friday at 7 p.m. and conclude with Communion and Sunday dinner.
Place: The Evangelical Christian Center in Ashford, CT

Guided by the conference theme – “Proclaiming the Glory of God” – we will be celebrating God’s faithfulness and rejoicing in His blessing of the ministry of RUEBU during the past one hundred years.
We are expecting guest speakers from Argentina, Russia and the USA.
We would be honored by your presence!

For additional information please call:
(617) 233-3272 George Harlov, RUEBU President
(860) 794-4506 John Titarenko, RUEBU Secretary

Sower od Truth 100!