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Urgent Need of our EC Center…
The Lord was gracious to us, when in 2008, in spite of many seemingly unsurmountable problems,
our Center in Ashford, CT was not sold as was being considered, and all of the ministries continued as usual, up to this day. However, more recently, we have been faced with a financial challenge due to a requirement by the state of Connecticut, on our septic systems in Ashford, which were found to be inadequate and in need of new and expanded installations for the various facilities on the campus. This had all been started by our neighbors’ complaints regarding the odors from the pond into which the effluent from the septic system for the Home for the Aged was being discharged. However, since the septic system permit is issued for the whole campus, it was further found that there were many more inadequacies in the various other systems on the campus.
The cost of the entire upgrade of the septic systems has not been finally established, but already estimated to be around $400,000. Of this expense, from the capital improvements account of ECC, $220,000 can be met, which leaves a shortfall of approximately $180,000.
Please pray that this urgent need may be met and the ministries continue. We are asking that individuals and churches help support the ministries of our Center by giving donations to this need. Check donations can be made out to “ECC” with the designation “Septic” and sent directly to our ECC General Director and Treasurer:  
Dr. Peter Pleshko
1 Friars Tale Pl
Staatsburg, NY 12580
We sincerely thank you for your consideration and participation in meeting this critical financial need of our Center.  If you have any further questions, you may contact our RUEBU President, Rev. George Harlov, (617) 233-3272, or Dr. Peter Pleshko, (845) 889-4246.
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